The Butter Avenger
Incriminating shot of a student who created drawing capturing her work
Incriminating shot of yet another student creating the Butter Avenger
2 Questions: Whose idea was this? Does the drawing actually capture her rage?
1 Lesson: Don't steal butter from the staff refrigerator. If you're not 110% sure that the butter is leftover from a school event, just leave it. Let it rot. Let some poor soul clean it out in June when school is out and it has spoiled. Just don't touch it. Listen to your gut. Don't steal butter. Not for students. Not even for insanely rad students who would otherwise have to eat butter-less popcorn.
1 Disclaimer: If you don't understand this blog entry, don't worry about it. You're probably not the intended audience.
in peace and (un)buttered harmony,
I can't believe it's not butter!!!
Need I say more?...xD
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