
A space to reflect on my readings and musings, scattered and rescattered



So I've been a little absent from the blogosphere. The holidays have left me more than a little in a daze. I went to Missouri to visit the family but playing the "child" for a smidge over a week was pretty much exhausting. I felt like the kid who just wanted to go hide in her room and pretend she was living her life. It's not like I didn't have tech access, I did, I was online--chatting, finding solace in the similar frustrations of my single friends who had descended upon their family homes for a few days of "togetherness."

Truth is, I love my family. I can handle them in small doses, but when I'm there I start feeling claustrophobic, like I can't breathe, can't think. I'm totally out of my element. The home that once felt familiar doesn't feel familiar in the same ways any more. It feels like I'm a guest in someone else's home, and I am. From the smallest choices every day to that overwhelming feeling that I have no space of my own. Ahhhh, holi-daze. Struggle breathing.


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